Rollover Analysis


Have you accumulated accounts over the years? It's common to ask, "Should I Rollover or Consildate my old 401(k), 403(b), TSP or IRA accounts?

  1. Rollover & Consolidate to a New IRA
  2. Convert to a Roth IRA
  3. Rollover to Your Current Employer’s Plan
  4. Stay In Your Old Employer’s Plan
  5. In-Service Rollover
  6. Cash Out (Penalties & Taxes May Apply)

In our Rollover Analsysis Service we'll guide you in analyzing your rollover decisions, optimizing your investments and simplifying your financial life. As an Accredited Investment Fiduciary® (AIF) Mark Timmick will help you evaluate the options and make the best choices for your individual circumstances and goals.

Request a complimentary “Get To Know Us” Meeting to explore what it would be like working together and how we can help.

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